What is the timezone of each historical data series?

The timezone of the data series is written in the descriptions of each product.

Has data got daylight saving’s switch?

Yes they have.

Are the futures back-adjusted and continuous?

No, we do not trust all those who back-adjust futures, we think that gaps after rolling are what really happened in the market and we register that gap.

What is the logic of a contract rollover?

According to the logic of trade volumes: we roll a contract when the next one has became more traded than the expiring one, generally few days before the expiration.

Are the stocks split and dividend back-adjusted?

Yes, they are.

How can I convert a dataset into a different format than Metatrader one?

Through this converter

Are Forex data futures or spot exchange rate?

Forex data are the spot exchange rates.

I bought S&P 500 futures data from BTM and compared it with Yahoo ^GSPC Index, why is data different?

Because you’re comparing futures data with index data.
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